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Born: 06 May 1996

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz

Styles: Third Wave Ska Revival, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Ska Revival, Retro Swing, Big Band/Swing

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San Francisco-based ska/swing purveyors Monkey formed in 1996 around a mutual love of (obviously) ska, but also through their strong affections for soul, jazz, Latin, and rock. Their self-produced, self-issued debut album, Changito!, moved over 6,000 units in 1997 and propelled this ambitious band into a very long and quite successful career. With five EPs, over 20 compilation appearances, film and video game soundtrack contributions, and four full-length albums under their collective belt, Monkey certainly have not been idle. Coupled with an a...


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