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Mick Abrahams


Born: 07 April 1943

Years Active: 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Blues

Styles: Blues-Rock, Electric Texas Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Modern Electric Texas Blues, Rock & Roll/Roots, Prog-Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental

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Mick Abraham's was one of the more unfortunate hard-luck stories in rock music. Best known for his work on Jethro Tull's debut album, This Was, where he played blues licks that had critics comparing him favorably to Eric Clapton, he left the group, and since then has never managed to achieve lasting success as a recording artist, or the world-class fame of his former bandmates. Leading various incarnations of his best-known band, Blodwyn Pig, he has persevered over the last quarter century, and achieved some major cult recognition, especially i...


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