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Years Active: 90

Genres: Pop/Rock, Country

Styles: Alternative Country-Rock, Alt-Country, Alternative Country, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Country-Rock, Americana

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Marvin Etzioni first made his mark as bassist and songwriter in the mid-'80s for the L.A. cowpunk band Lone Justice. He left the band after one album for Geffen Records, and in 1992 released his solo debut, the quiet and affecting The Mandolin Man. Etzioni, whose material ranges from stark folk-based tunes to raw, Stones-like rockers, sprinkles his songs with bits of mandolin, accordion, harmonium, hurdy-gurdy, and violin as well as plenty of drums and electric guitar. Being a purist as well as a fan of vinyl, Marvin masters his records from an...

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