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Lyrics Born


Born: 06 May 1972

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Rap, R&B

Styles: Underground Rap, Hip-Hop/Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, Alternative Rap, Soul, R&B/Soul, Neo-Soul, Contemporary R&B

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The first artist to release an EP on San Francisco's Soleside Records, Lyrics Born went under the original moniker Asia Born on 1993's Send Them before changing it three years later on his collaborations with labelmate Lateef. After being featured on Lateef's "The Wreckoning" b/w "Latyrx" single, Lyrics put out his own 12", "Balcony Beach" b/w "Burnt Pride," in October of 1996 before jumping in the studio again with Lateef and DJ Shadow as Latyrx for The Album in 1997. He began working on a solo album the following year, though it spent five ye...


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