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Years Active: 90

Genres: Electronic, Pop/Rock

Styles: Ambient, Electronica, Ambient Dub, Techno, Dark Ambient, Experimental Ambient, Ambient Techno, Experimental Techno, Post-Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock

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Closely allied with post-industrial dub terrorists such as Bill Laswell, Techno Animal, James Plotkin, Robert Musso, and Anton Fier, Birmingham-based artist Mick Harris is something of a study in extremes. A drummer with noted death metal outfit Napalm Death through the group's late-'80s/early-'90s heyday, Harris began experimenting with monochrome ambient and dub styles toward the tail end of his association with that group. Releasing material through Earache as Scorn (his ambient dub aegis) and through Sentrax as Lull, in addition to other sp...


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