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Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Latin, International

Styles: MPB, Latin America, Latin America, Brazilian Pop, Latin Pop.

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Lenine has been an extremely popular artist in the '90s, mixing northeast grooves with pop music. His songs have been recorded by Dionne Warwick (his partner on "Virou Areia" in 1994), Gilberto Gil, Danilo Caymmi, Sérgio Mendes, Tim Maia, and others. From northeastern origin, Lenine absorbed the rich folklore of frevos and maracatus unconsciously, as he was into American rock since his teens. At 17, he was taken with the mineiros of the Clube da Esquina and by other MPB artists, such as Gilberto Gil. A self-taught singer and violonista, he mov...


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