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Kon Kan


Formed: 1988

Died: 01 January 2007

Years Active: 80

Genres: Pop/Rock, Electronic, R&B

Styles: Hi-NRG, Dance, Club/Dance, Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, R&B/Soul

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The '80s dance duo Kon Kan included members Barry Harris (vocals, keys, guitar) and Kevin Wynne (vocals). The group took their name from the phrase "Can Con" (short for "Canadian Content"), which is the name of a rule that enforces Canadian radio station to play at least 30 percent music from musicians from Canada. It was Kon Kan's sophomore album, Move to Move, which spawned a number 15 hit with the single "I Beg Your Pardon," which included a few lines from a previous song, Lynn Anderson's "Rose Garden." Harris and Wynne followed it up with a...

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