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Judy Mowatt


Born: 01 January 1952

Years Active: 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Reggae, International

Styles: Roots Reggae, Reggae/Caribbean, Reggae/Caribbean, Contemporary Reggae

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One-third of the I-Threes, reggae's most influential female vocal trio, Judy Mowatt helped to turn the last recordings of Bob Marley into enduring classics. Her sensuous harmonies strengthened albums by Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff, Big Youth, Pablo Moses, Freddie McGregor, U-Roy, and the Wailing Souls. Her solo recordings, including Black Woman in 1980 and Only a Woman, two years later, marked her as a powerful spokesperson for Rastafarian and feminist causes. Mowatt initially attracted attention as lead singer of a vocal trio, the Gaylettes, also ...


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