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Inara George


Born: 04 July 1974

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Jazz, Vocal

Styles: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Alternative Singer/Songwriter, Vocal Jazz, Vocal/Standards

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When she isn't exploring the intersection between jazz, tropicalia, and indie pop with the Bird and the Bee, vocalist Inara George enjoys a solo career as a talented singer/songwriter. At a young age, she was surrounded by the music of her father (Little Feat's Lowell George) and his illustrious peers -- Jackson Browne, Terry Allen, and Van Dyke Parks -- yet George never intended to follow in her late father's footsteps. Rather, theater was her forte, and George's younger years were spent performing Shakespeare in her native Topanga Canyon, a c...


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