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Formed: 1993

Years Active: 90

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Heavy Metal, Goth Metal, Alternative Metal

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Taking their name from a poem in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, the German black metal band Evereve was formed in 1993. Comprised of vocalist Tom Sedotschenko, guitarists Thorsten Weißenberger and Stephan Kiefer, synth player Michael Zeissl, bassist Stefan Müller and drummer Marc Werner, the group released a demo tape titled On the Verge of Tears in 1994, followed a year later by a split CD recorded with another German act named Parracide. Evereve's full-length debut Seasons followed in 1997, and their second LP, Stormbirds, appeared the...


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