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Enrico Pieranunzi


Born: 05 December 1949

Years Active: 70, 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Jazz

Styles: Post-Bop, Hard Bop, Modal Music, Bop

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A superior post bop pianist influenced by Bill Evans and McCoy Tyner but long possessing his own sound, Enrico Pieranunzi is one of the top jazz pianists living in Italy. He began studying piano when he was five, partly from his father who was a jazz-loving guitarist. Pieranunzi became a professional when he was 19, playing with trombonist Marcello Rosa's quartet. Since then, in addition to leading his own groups, Pieranunzi has worked with many top players (both Europeans and Americans) including Franco Ambrosetti, Chet Baker, Benny Bailey, Ar...


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