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Earl Hooker


Born: 15 January 1929

Died: 21 April 1970

Years Active: 50, 60, 70

Genres: Blues

Styles: Country Blues, Pre-War Country Blues, Slide Guitar Blues, Electric Blues, Electric Chicago Blues, Chicago Blues, Electric Delta Blues, Delta Blues

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If there was a more immaculate slide guitarist residing in Chicago during the 1950s and '60s than Earl Hooker, his name has yet to surface. Boasting a fretboard touch so smooth and clean that every note rang as clear and precise as a bell, Hooker was an endlessly inventive axeman who would likely have been a star had his modest vocal abilities matched his instrumental prowess and had he not been dogged by tuberculosis (it killed him at age 41). Born in the Mississippi Delta, Hooker arrived in Chicago as a child. There he was influenced by anot...


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