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Devin Townsend


Born: 05 May 1972

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Progressive Metal, Heavy Metal

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Industrial metal singer/guitarist Devin Townsend was born May 5, 1972 in Vancouver, BC; after picking up the banjo at age five, at 12 he moved to guitar, and within a few years was leading the band Grey Skies, later known as Noisescapes. Sending the group's demo to the Relativity label, Townsend was not only offered a solo deal but was also tapped to sing on Steve Vai's 1993 LP Sex and Religion, a collaboration which further extended to the guitar god's 1996 effort Fire Garden. In between, Townsend worked on a series of projects with Front Line...


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