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Born: 27 January 1969

Years Active: 90, 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, International

Styles: Alternative/Indie Rock, Alternative Pop/Rock, Shibuya-Kei, Asian Pop, Indie Pop, J-Pop, Indie Electronic, Indie Rock

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Japanese pop-noise savant Cornelius was born Keigo Oyamada in 1969; a self-taught guitarist inspired early on by Kiss and Black Sabbath, his musical alias was later chosen as an homage to the Planet of the Apes film series. A product of the same Shibuya-kei bubblegum scene that also gave rise to Pizzicato Five, Cornelius debuted in 1993 with the EP Holydays in the Sun, the first release from his own Trattoria label. He became a national teen idol in the wake of the release of 1994's full-length The First Question Award and a year later he issue...


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