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Children Of Bodom


Formed: 1997

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock

Styles: Hard Rock, Scandinavian Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Power Metal

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The black metal outfit Children of Bodom formed in Espoo, Finland in 1993; named in reference to one of the most notorious mass-murders in Scandinavian history, the group was originally founded by singer/guitarist Alexi Laiho and drummer Jaska Raatikainen, with subsequent roster additions including guitarist Alexander 'Ale' Kuoppala, bassist Henkka Blacksmith and keyboardist Janne Wirman. Children of Bodom's debut LP, Something Wild, was released in the U.S. in 1998; Hatebreeder followed a year later and Follow the Reaper appeared in early 2001...


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