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Boney James


Born: 01 September 1961

Years Active: 80, 90, 2000

Genres: Jazz, Easy Listening

Styles: Instrumental Pop, Easy Listening, Fusion, Crossover Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Smooth Jazz

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A solid saxophonist whose style falls on the R&B-ish and pop side of jazz, Boney James (who is heavily influenced by Grover Washington, Jr.) is a consistent best-seller who can always be relied upon to put on a colorful live show. Born James Oppenheim, he grew up in New Rochelle, NY. The future Boney James studied clarinet when he was eight, switching to saxophone two years later. When he was 15, his family moved to Los Angeles. James was soon playing in a fusion band (Line One) that was strong enough to open for Flora Purim and the Yellowjacke...


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