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Ann Sexton


Born: 05 February 1950

Years Active: 70

Genres: R&B

Styles: Southern Soul, R&B/Soul, Funk, Urban, Hip-Hop/Urban, Soul

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A native of South Carolina, Southern soul singer Ann Sexton could croon a smooth ballad or handle the rough, funked-up style that was the hallmark of her region. Sexton recorded mostly for small labels during the '70s, including Impel and Dash, and did the majority of her work for the Sound Stage 7/77 family. Her biggest chart single was 1973's "You're Gonna Miss Me," which just barely made the R&B Top 50. Funky singles like "You're Losing Me" and "You've Been Gone Too Long" later became popular on Britain's so-called Northern soul scene, but s...


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