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Aaron Jerome

Years Active: 2000

Genres: R&B, Electronic

Styles: Downtempo, Electronica, Jazz-House, House, Dance, Soul, R&B/Soul, Neo-Soul, Contemporary R&B

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Nicknamed Mr. Soul Blender because of his smooth, soulful remixes, producer Aaron Jerome was heavily influenced by the first record he ever bought, De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising. He was raised in Cambridgeshire, England, and attended Westminster University, where he ended up taking a music production course with classmate Kevin Mark Trail. Trail would go on to write "Eastern Eyes" for Nitin Sawhney's 2003 album, Human, while Jerome got to do the remix, setting off a barrage of remix requests. Work for the likes of Roy Ayers, Bonobo, DJ Va...


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