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Born: 21 February 1956

Years Active: 90

Genres: Pop/Rock, International

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A German folk, blues, and rock act named after its leader, Stefan, Stoppok formed -- at the impetus of its leader, obviously -- in 1982. Stefan (born in Hamburn on February 21, 1956 had first released work with an English based band named Stenderband. Once Stoppok was formed, the group recorded its debut, Saure Drops und Schokoroll (Acid Drops and Chocolate Roll), which was released in 1982, and was the first entry in a long list of releases from the band over the next 25-plus years. A best of appeared in 1996, and the group -- in that time spa...


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  • The new Stoppok album "Popschutz" is leading the billboard of German Songwriters and is worth beeing listed here.

    2015-04-22 15:58:16 from ANdreas .

  • Please add a lot more from Stoppok. He is one of the greatest german musicians!!!

    2014-11-07 21:22:54 from Dieter .

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