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23 Skidoo


Formed: 1979

Died: 01 January 2003

Years Active: 2000

Genres: Pop/Rock, Electronic

Styles: Industrial, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Post-Punk, Punk/New Wave, Experimental Rock, Art-Rock/Experimental, Alternative Dance, Dance, Club/Dance

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Early compatriots of Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle on Britain's experimental/industrial scene, 23 Skidoo pursued an improvisational fusion of ethnic drumming and post-punk dance on their few recordings of the early '80s. Named after a mysterious Illuminati phrase that appeared in the work of Aleister Crowley, William Burroughs and filmmaker Julian Biggs, the group formed in London around brothers (and martial-arts experts) Alex and Johnny Turnbull and Fritz Catlin (aka Fritz Haamann). Influenced by Fela Kuti and the emerging New York h...


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